On this page you will find resources to support the development of your program. Some resources will involve links to external service providers.

The SSN are now available to deliver 2-hour Sustainability Workshops. The workshop includes information regarding the concept of sustainability, what is needed to initiate and maintain behaviour change and practical sustainability tips.
Please email: info@ssn.org.au to arrange a workshop in your school.
Curriculum Tools
Special offer available to those involved with the SSN. Just mentioned you became aware of ISH through the SSN and you will receive a bonus 2 month subscription.

Yugambeh Museum
Click on the Yugambeh Museum logo to access the worksheet provided as part of the 2020 Sustainability Symposium. Yugambeh Museum would love you to share your work on their social media channels!
Climate Clever
ClimateClever has a special deal for school communities and households – 50% off their service!